Corona Virus Update

30 Jan 2020 by Yulia Vakar

Artistic Swimming Australia Inc
Artistic Swimming Australia Inc LogoCorona Virus Update – please read

Dear Parents and Swimmers

Happy New Year to the ASAI members.

As part of the commitment of ASAI to our members’ health and safety, we are monitoring the Corona-virus situation closely. As such, we are following all relevant advice from Government agencies and global organisations. ASAI will continue to follow this developing situation closely and will provide advice and information to our members if that will be necessary.

Currently, the situation is being responded to by the Chinese authorities, who are limiting the travel into and out of the affected area. They are also screening all travelers entering and leaving the transport hubs and ports of entry and exit in or out of the country. These actions are designed to manage the potential spread of this infection and monitor the movement of people.

Signs and symptoms of this illness include:

Fever or history of fever (≥38°C) and acute respiratory infection (sudden onset of respiratory infection with at least one of shortness of breath, cough or sore throat).


Severe acute respiratory infection requiring admission to hospital with clinical or radiological evidence of pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome (i.e. even if no evidence of fever).

Preliminary information suggests that the elderly and those people with underlying health problems or compromised immune systems may be at particular risk. We will be closely monitoring boys who may have been in China or those that may have been in contact with an affected person. The Department of Health has provided an information leaflet for education establishments for advice for swimmers and their families. You can download the fact sheet for your perusal here:

Can you please ensure you keep your child off the practice if they have a fever (temperature 38 degrees and over ) and any associated symptoms as listed above. If your child arrives at either practice with any of these symptoms coaches or supervisors will be asking parents to come and pick up their child immediately.

Good hygiene is paramount and should be undertaken at all times. Parents should be promoting the following to the swimmers upon their return to practice:

Cough into the crook of your arm or cover your mouth with a tissue
Wash your hands with soap after coughing and sneezing, blowing your nose, using the toilet, preparing food and before eating
If there is no washing facilities available use hand sanitiser. This is one of the easiest way to prevent the spread of many diseases

Further advice and information for travelers can be accessed through DFAT and the Smartraveller websites. More general information on the Coronavirus is also available from the Department of Health.

The Department of Health will provide regular updates as more information on this situation becomes available:

For additional information on novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) visit the World Health Organization website:

We will endeavor to keep you updated as we are advised by the Government agencies.


Vicki Nagyova
High Performance Operations Manager


P: +61 481 103 520

Novel coronavirus – What you need to know

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